The Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation has many awards that provide members the opportunity to acknowledge another Kiwanian’s generous service to the community as well as help fund the work of our Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation in support of hospitalized children. The Foundation Trustees encourage you to reward your Club Members with a Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation Award!
FRANK O. STAIGER DISTINGUISHED KIWANIAN AWARD | for a gift of $1,000.00 This is the highest award presented by the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation. This gift can be presented by a Kiwanis club or Kiwanis group to honor any other Kiwanis member. The recipient of the award must be recommended by at least 10 Kiwanis members with an article explaining his or her achievements in Kiwanis. This write up with a photograph (5X7) is placed in the book of honor. The book is on permanent display in the District Office. The recipient also receives a personal plaque and tie tac/lapel pin. Funds earned by this award are placed in the Foundations Endowment Fund. The interest and dividends earned from this gift will help fund our foundation forever! Frank O. Staiger was an exceptional District Secretary for 26 years prior to 1960. He was instrumental in helping make the organization what it is today. The Foundation honored him with this tribute for all his contributions to Kiwanis and the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation.
THE J. DOUGLAS ALEXANDER AWARD | for a gift of $750.00 The recipient can be recognized by a club, an individual or one can purchase this award themselves. The award can be given to those who are not Kiwanis members. The recipient will receive a plaque and a medallion for the gift. A brass plate will be placed on the permanent plaque in the District office. The purchaser of this award chooses between having their contribution placed in the Foundation’s endowment fund or in the Foundation’s operational account. This award was created to honor J. Douglas Alexander, Past District Secretary of 16 years who was very instrumental in expanding the goals of the District and The Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation even further.
DIAMOND LEVEL J. DOUGLAS ALEXANDER AWARD | for a gift of $750.00 This award is only available to be given to or purchased by the recipient of an original J. Douglas Alexander Award as the next step of the award. This enables one to further recognize someone for additional contributions to Kiwanis and our hospitalized children.
THE TABLET OF HONOR | for a gift of $500.00 This award is available to any Kiwanis member or community member for their service in support of the mission of Kiwanis both locally and internationally. The recipient is recognized with a plaque. This award also has a brass plate with the recipient name on permanent display at the District office. Funds from this award go to the Foundation’s operational account.
THE PACESETTER AWARD | for a gift of $250.00 This award was created to recognize an individual for their efforts toward Kiwanis. The award can also be purchased by a club or by an individual. A plaque is engraved with the recipient’s name and spaces are provided at the bottom where small brass plates can be affixed for each and every year that $250.00 is donated for this person. The plates are provided by the Foundation after each donation. Money from this award goes to the Foundation’s operational account.
THE AL DAILEY AWARD | for a gift of $250.00 The Foundation’s newest award, the Al Dailey Award was created in memory of Al Dailey, Past District Secretary. The recipient receives a pin and a certificate.
NOTE | Money contributed to the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation through the purchase of an award does not count toward each Club’s requested $45.00/member requested annual gift to the Foundation.
The Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation has many awards that provide members the opportunity to acknowledge another Kiwanian’s generous service to the community as well as help fund the work of our Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation in support of hospitalized children. The Foundation Trustees encourage you to reward your Club Members with a Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation Award!
This is the highest award presented by the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation. This gift can be presented by a Kiwanis club or Kiwanis group to honor any other Kiwanis member. The recipient of the award must be recommended by at least 10 Kiwanis members with an article explaining his or her achievements in Kiwanis. This write up with a photograph (5X7) is placed in the book of honor. The book is on permanent display in the District Office. The recipient also receives a personal plaque and tie tac/lapel pin. Funds earned by this award are placed in the Foundations Endowment Fund. The interest and dividends earned from this gift will help fund our foundation forever!
Frank O. Staiger was an exceptional District Secretary for 26 years prior to 1960. He was instrumental in helping make the organization what it is today. The Foundation honored
him with this tribute for all his contributions to Kiwanis and the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation.
THE J. DOUGLAS ALEXANDER AWARD | for a gift of $750.00
The recipient can be recognized by a club, an individual or one can purchase this award themselves. The award can be given to those who are not Kiwanis members. The recipient will receive a plaque and a medallion for the gift. A brass plate will be placed on the permanent plaque in the District office. The purchaser of this award chooses between having their contribution placed in the Foundation’s endowment fund or in the Foundation’s operational account.
This award was created to honor J. Douglas Alexander, Past District Secretary of 16 years who was very instrumental in expanding the goals of the District and The Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation even further.
This award is only available to be given to or purchased by the recipient of an original J. Douglas Alexander Award as the next step of the award. This enables one to further recognize someone for additional contributions to Kiwanis and our hospitalized children.
THE TABLET OF HONOR | for a gift of $500.00
This award is available to any Kiwanis member or community member for their service in support of the mission of Kiwanis both locally and internationally. The recipient is recognized with a plaque. This award also has a brass plate with the recipient name on permanent display at the District office. Funds from this award go to the Foundation’s operational account.
THE PACESETTER AWARD | for a gift of $250.00
This award was created to recognize an individual for their efforts toward Kiwanis. The award can also be purchased by a club or by an individual. A plaque is engraved with the recipient’s name and spaces are provided at the bottom where small brass plates can be affixed for each and every year that $250.00 is donated for this person. The plates are provided by the Foundation after each donation. Money from this award goes to the Foundation’s operational account.
THE AL DAILEY AWARD | for a gift of $250.00
The Foundation’s newest award, the Al Dailey Award was created in memory of Al Dailey, Past District Secretary. The recipient receives a pin and a certificate.
NOTE | Money contributed to the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation through the purchase of an award does not count toward each Club’s requested $45.00/member requested annual gift to the Foundation.
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KiwanisONE Divisions 16 & 18
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $25 per person
Div 16 Lt. Governor Marvina Bloomfield
Div 18 Lt. Governor Jim Demis
KiwanisONE Divisions 3 & 7
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $25
Contact: Div 3 Lt. Gov Sarah Hayden
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KiwanisONE Divisions 10 & 17
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $20 per person
Wear your best Western or Kiwanis Gear for a prize!
Registration: Div 10 & 17 KiwanisONE Event Flyer
KiwanisONE Divisions 19, 20 & 21
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $35
Contact: Div 20 Lt. Gov. Syrina Dawson
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KiwanisONE Divisions 5 & 6
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $30 per person
Contact: Div 5 Lt. Gov Denise Browning
Div 6 Lt. Gov Angela Lee
KiwanisONE Divisions 11 & 12
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: TBD
Contact: Div 11 Lt. Gov. Bonnie Bartlett
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