Aktion Club

Aktion Club members planting flowers


Aktion Club is the service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide. Our mission is to provide adults living with disabilities an opportunity to use their abilities, develop leadership skills and serve their communities.

Aktion Club Week is March 4 – 8, 2024 [Learn More]


Congratulations to the following clubs in good standing with dues paid for the 2024-25 year:

  1. Grand Traverse Industries (Mancelona) – 10/9/2024, 12 members
  2. Hillsdale – 01/21/2025, 11 members
  3. Hope In Action (Grand Rapids) – 11/20/2024, 19 members
  4. Jackson – 10/21/2024, 15 members
  5. Midland – 01/07/2025, 15 members
  6. Noorthoek Academy (Grand Rapids) – 10/15/2024, 9 members
  7. Shelby Area – 01/07/2025, 20 members
  8. Straits Area Services – 10/23/2024, 12 members
  9. Tri-Cities (Grand Haven, Spring Lake, Ferrysburg) – 10/28/2024, 9 members
  10. West Branch – 11/06/2024, 11 members
  11. WISD (Ann Arbor) – 12/18/2024, 15 members

The following clubs are now in danger of being Inactivated by KI:

  1. Brighton-Howell
  2. Charlevoix
  3. Eaton County Sunshine Crew (Charlotte)
  4. Forster Woods (Williamston)
  5. Kalamazoo
  6. Lansing: Peckham Helping Hands
  7. Lapeer
  8. Lenawee
  9. Monroe
  10. St. Louis Center (Chelsea)

To contact any of these clubs, restart an inactivated club, or get a new club started, contact the District Administrator.


Michigan District Aktion Club Newsletters are emailed out quarterly. To join the mailing list, contact the District Administrator.

Newsletters for Club Advisors are also published by Kiwanis International. [Click here]


Kiwanis International has provided an online platform to submit contest entries and to facilitate judging within Districts and Internationally. Go to the Awards and Recognition website [click here] to access all the information and entry forms. District entries will be displayed and judged at the convention; winners will be designated for judging internationally.

Submission deadline each year: September 15

Aktion Club Administrator Contact

Send a message to the Michigan District Aktion Club Administrator, Amy Urick.

Type your message here
