WHAT IS AN INTERCLUB? An interclub is a visit by your club to the official meeting of another Kiwanis club or Service Leadership Program club (e.g., K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, CKI, or Aktion Club). Some Division or District meetings may have an inter club opportunity. If so, the host Kiwanis club will be noted. Two (2) members are needed to constitute an interclub.
WHAT IS A ROUND ROBIN? A Round Robin is completed when your club has fulfilled the Round Robin requirements listed below.
1ST ROUND ROBIN BANNER PATCH | Clubs to do a total of six interclubs wherein all must be done within the Michigan district
2ND ROUND ROBIN BANNER PATCH | Clubs to do six different interclubs which can be any Kiwanis club in the world whether in person or online They must be to clubs they have not previously visited within the fiscal year.
3RD ROUND ROBIN BANNER PATCH | Clubs to do six different interclubs from the 1st and 2nd round. They must be to clubs they have not previously visited within the fiscal year.
4TH ROUND ROBIN BANNER PATCH | Completely up to each club to visit six clubs including previously visited clubs wherever they choose to get the fourth Round Robin Banner Patch.
Multiple Round Robins are possible. Forms for reporting Round Robins are available for download below and will be mailed to club secretaries. A Round Robin patch is awarded to the club at the following year’s Spring Divisional.
An interclub is a visit by your club to the official meeting of another Kiwanis club or Service Leadership Program club (e.g., K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, CKI, or Aktion Club). Some Division or District meetings may have an inter club opportunity. If so, the host Kiwanis club will be noted. Two (2) members are needed to constitute an interclub.
A Round Robin is completed when your club has fulfilled the Round Robin requirements listed below.
1ST ROUND ROBIN BANNER PATCH | Clubs to do a total of six interclubs wherein all must be done within the Michigan district
2ND ROUND ROBIN BANNER PATCH | Clubs to do six different interclubs which can be any Kiwanis club in the world whether in person or online They must be to clubs they have not previously visited within the fiscal year.
3RD ROUND ROBIN BANNER PATCH | Clubs to do six different interclubs from the 1st and 2nd round. They must be to clubs they have not previously visited within the fiscal year.
4TH ROUND ROBIN BANNER PATCH | Completely up to each club to visit six clubs including previously visited clubs wherever they choose to get the fourth Round Robin Banner Patch.
Multiple Round Robins are possible. Forms for reporting Round Robins are available for download below and will be mailed to club secretaries. A Round Robin patch is awarded to the club at the following year’s Spring Divisional.
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Upcoming events
KiwanisONE Divisions 16 & 18
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $25 per person
Div 16 Lt. Governor Marvina Bloomfield
Div 18 Lt. Governor Jim Demis
KiwanisONE Divisions 3 & 7
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $25
Contact: Div 3 Lt. Gov Sarah Hayden
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KiwanisONE Divisions 10 & 17
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $20 per person
Wear your best Western or Kiwanis Gear for a prize!
Registration: Div 10 & 17 KiwanisONE Event Flyer
KiwanisONE Divisions 19, 20 & 21
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $35
Contact: Div 20 Lt. Gov. Syrina Dawson
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KiwanisONE Divisions 5 & 6
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: $30 per person
Contact: Div 5 Lt. Gov Denise Browning
Div 6 Lt. Gov Angela Lee
KiwanisONE Divisions 11 & 12
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Opening Session
9:15 am Education Session
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
12:45 pm Ovation Session
Cost: TBD
Contact: Div 11 Lt. Gov. Bonnie Bartlett
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ICON PNC Park Baseball Outing
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